March Motivation

Since the good old January “new year new me” has gone out the window for most of us, it is time to motivate ourselves to pick up and carry on. The good news is that we don’t have to wait for January 2020 if we want to do this.
Be realistic when setting your goals and set up a plan for yourself. Don’t limit your challenges—Challenge your limits. Every day that you choose to work on change is a step in the right direction!

There are two important things to remember about change.

1—It is not linear, and 2—it takes time.

You should keep in mind that it is normal to lose motivation from time to time, but when your motivation is high—take advantage of it and work on your goals! With your goals set and your action plan mapped out, you need only one simple ingredient to ensure your road to success, and that is POSITIVITY.


From patient to person?
September 26, 2017
Pay it forward
April 3, 2019